
Tempting Tuesdays- Over-sized Trends....

9:02:00 PM

Fall and Winter are my favorite times of year. Layering with sweaters and scarves, boots and tights, gloves and beenies...It's fun and if done right, super Cute!! 
I've been gathering my pieces in preparation for this glorious cool weather and ran across some of my favorite trends for this year. 

Over-sized Blazer/Coat

Though this style is a current trend, it's always been apart of my wardrobe, even before I had one. :)
It's part of that classic, menswear look many women love so much.
Not only is a look like this super comfy, it's effortlessly chic. 
Many of my blazers/coats are thrifted gems I've found
over the years. This trend
is a fav go-to style 
of mine.

Over-sized Sweater

Over-sized sweaters never go out of style and will always be on trend in my book.
This particular sweater is a typical knit, cotton blend turtleneck. What I 
love about this particular piece is the detail at the bottom-left side
of this picture.  Tiny, unique things like this make any piece
special. Pair this with jeans, leggings, or a long skirt
and your golden.  
And warm :).

Over-sized Bag

This style of clutch is super cute in color and texture. Envelope styled bags are on trend and again, 
always in style. What else is there to be said. 

Stay tuned for more Tempting Tuesday posts of my most wanted/liked pieces and look forward to 
me sharing how I style them in my own way.


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