
Tempting Tuesdays....Fearless Style

7:00:00 AM

Being fearless means being free. Being fun. And being fresh with your personal style.
These styles below are a representation of how I'd like to experiment with 
my style. 
How fearless are you? 

From the fitted to the leopard print harem pants. This look is fun and fierce. Swiped on a red lip and done.
Incorporating animals prints will easily spice up a simple look.
Uptown baby!

Hip Hop!!! Funking up a simple look with an iconic musicians face on your body is never a bad idea.
Get real cute and rock a piece with a YOUR face. Um hmm

She looks like a glorious bird of prey in this feathered number. This look is fun.
Credited:  Burberry - Cara Delevingne - 121 Regent Street 

Sheer fabric and fringe!! Chile, YES!!! Simple and sexy.

Denim on denim is not the most daring look but I had to pop it in here bcuz it's dope and a style I rock frequently.
Shirt and jeans are pretty baggy but not overly so and the denim pattern ranges from light to dark.
I will try to thrift this look. 

Mixed prints are always bomb. I don't like to get too crazy with it. These looks above rep how I'd rock this style.
That bag is everything. Can we say, Statement Piece...

I'm just gaga over these sleeves on this trench. Animal print aint for everybody but I think it may be for me. 

This is fearless because she is fearless. How sexy it this!?!? That detail on the skirt...and those pumps...
Pop-ING!!! BTW ladies, these kind of pumps always make your feet look smaller and your legs
look amaze!! Add em to your repertoire. 

Thee skirt and thee boots. Thee blouse and thee blazer with the fur scarf....Going forth!!! Yes she is. I need a pair of these boots quickly.
How dope is the skirt? Definitely my finspiration. 

So those are a few of my Fashion Inspirations or Finspirations and I hope to premier a few looks this fall and winter. Please share your thoughts on what you think about these looks and share your inspiration too. 

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  1. The all denim is so me, plus the black on black Misses is just to die for. I am very careful about how I wear print, if I wear print for obvious bottom heavy reasons. But I will rock a good print crazy top/jacket/sweater/blazer. This is cool.


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